How APIs Can Help in Ads Integration in Mobile Apps?

How APIs Can Help in Ads Integration in Mobile Apps?

In this tech driven era, where everyone has a mobile phone. Mobile apps are the most convenient way for people to stay connected with their interests. It can be entertainment, sports, education, and more. With the ever-evolving mobile apps, the urge to monetize mobile apps is also increasing. Yes, developers from all around the world are generating revenue by monetizing their mobile apps. One can use various ways to monetize their app such as by integrating ads, including paid content and more. Among all, ads integration in mobile apps is probably the best way to generate money. In this article, you will learn how APIs can help in ads integration in mobile apps.

Again, we have multiple ways to integrate ads but the APIs can help in ads integration in mobile apps in the best way possible. Your app is going to be used by millions of people so it is important to be careful while integrating ads in it. One wrong step will ruin all your efforts. This is why you need APIs, it is going to make your ads integration process super seamless and effective.  

It will help you choose the best format of ads as per your app requirements. It can be full-screen ads, banner ads, native ads, and more. This is not all, these APIs will help you to fetch, integrate, and display ads in your mobile app without any errors and mistakes. With these APIs, you will be able to follow the best practices of integrating ads in your mobile app.

What are Application Programming interfaces (APIs)?

Application programming interfaces (APIs) are digital tools that allow servers to share vast data and information. It delivers data as per users’ requests. It means users can send a request to the server about their data preferences and requirements and once that request is successful, the API will deliver the data. These APIs are mostly used by developers, businesses, organizations, and others that require much information.

It can be a website, an app, or even the common man. This tool is easily integrable which is why many websites and apps integrate it into their platform to fetch vast databases of information in no time. It is known for enhancing work efficiency, effectiveness, and accuracy. 

Overview of ads integration in mobile apps:

Overview of ads integration in mobile apps

First of all, ads integration in mobile apps means how a developer can integrate advertisements in his mobile application using an API. Integrating ads can help mobile app developers enjoy a lot of benefits like earning money, enhancing users’ experience, app growth, increasing app brand visibility, and enhanced user experience. In simple terms, adding advertisements can be beneficial to both users and app developers.

One can use APIs to make ads integration in the mobile app, as it makes the development process easier. APIs are powerful tools that come with already-built functions and services that help developers integrate ads into mobile apps. Using an API, helps them integrate ads without any complexity in no time. It also comes with advanced features that allow mobile apps to stay ahead of their competitors.

What are the Key Benefits of Using APIs for Ads Integration?

As I mentioned, APIs are used to enhance the effectiveness and accuracy of the work. But this is not all, there are various other benefits of API for Ads integration. APIs are development-friendly and thus, they allow developers to easily develop a dynamic app with unique features and services. These are easy to integrate, offer real-time information, and also help in enhancing the user engagement of your mobile app.

Easy development process

Generally, developers have to do complex coding to integrate ads in their mobile apps but APIs come up with functions and services which are already built. The best way to integrate ads in mobile apps is by an API. As it helps developers avoid complex coding and makes the integration process much smoother. It also allows them to develop their apps in a risk-free environment without making any errors or mistakes. It also helps in maintaining and updating the platform for a long period.

Allow personalization

These APIs are capable of collecting a large amount of data about your app and its audience. You must have heard that it is very crucial to understand your website audience. This tool will help you do that with finesse. It can help you by accessing different types of your user’s data including demographical, behavioral, choice of interest, etc.

All this data will help you track your user interests and choices. You can analyze this information to integrate ads in your mobile app, as per your audience’s interest. It is obvious that when your users see their interest of content in ads, they are most likely to click on those ads to learn more about it. Also, the ads on your app interface will not irritate or frustrate them.

Improved user experience

Using APIs in ads Integration in mobile apps can also help you improve the overall user experience. The API will help you integrate ads seamlessly with the theme of your app. It will help you select the design and content of the ads based on your audience’s interest so that it won’t disturb them while enjoying the app.

These APIs also allow you to select from a variety of ad formats. It can be banner Ads, full-screen ads, native ads, and more. You can select one that suits your platform type in the best way. These are capable of analyzing users’ behavior and will help you enhance your user’s experience by showing their preference for content through ads.

What types of ads can be integrated into mobile apps using APIs?

Banner ads

Mobile app owners or developers can display banner ads on their platforms. Banner ads are small in size and can be displayed at the top or bottom corner. This format of ad is chosen by any mobile application, as they cover fewer screens and the audience doesn’t get disturbed by these ads.  For example, if you have a sports mobile app, you can banner ads for team jerseys, sporting equipment, tickets, and more.   

Full-screen ads-

Next, APIs can help you integrate full-screen ads into your mobile apps. As the name says, this format of the ad is full screen and will cover the whole mobile screen. For this kind of ad, you need to be very careful that it is relevant to your app and also something of your audience interest. For a sports mobile app, you can integrate a full-screen app to promote any team, player, sports jersey, other sports apps, or website.  

Video ads-

APIs can also help you integrate video ads into your mobile application. You can display videos on your platform to promote anything relevant to your app. For example, you can show any sporting app video where your audience can engage and enjoy their time. It can be an ad for a betting app or a fantasy app.

How to integrate ads into your mobile app using APIs?

How to integrate ads into your mobile app using APIs?

Choose an ad network

The first step for integrating ads, you have to choose a popular ads network. These ad networks will help you collect ads from different advertisers. They will help you find different categories that suit your app requirements. You have to research and choose a well-known ad network that will fit best for your app. Make sure to check the ad format they offer, payment terms, etc before selecting it.

Set up developer accounts

Once you have selected the right ad network, you create your development account by signing up on their platform. After that, you might need to obtain keys and all. You can read their documentation to understand the process better.

choose an API and get API keys

Now, choose an API from any data provider that suits your app requirement. For example, for a sports API, you can use Entity Sports APIs. The API will help you integrate any format of ads in the easiest way possible. You can choose the API of any sport like Cricket, Football, Hockey, Basketball, and more. Once you have selected the API, you have to sign up at the official website of the data provider to obtain secret keys.     

Integrate SDK and display ads

Now, you can download the Software Development Kit (SDK) from the ad network provider. Once done, read the instructions to add SDK files to your app. You can choose what type of ads you want for your app like banner ads, video ads, full-screen ads, or more. Now, you can use the chosen API to load and display ads easily.   

Test ads integration

Now, you can test the display ads, if it’s showing properly or not. Make sure to check from different devices and ensure that it does not disturb the audience.

To maintain smooth ad integration, you have to monitor and optimize your app from time to time. You can keep monitoring the performance by tracking metrics like user click rates, and total revenue generated.